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how often does the entire map have legs and pinchers 

(2 edits)

Crab city is roughly 90% crab, and happens 1% of the time.

Regular locations are about 1% crab.

Is there a way you can make a crafting guide so people can see what things you can craft. Its very annoying seeing other people have things I don't know how to craft

Hi! I probably should add a crafting guide somewhere, but in the meantime you can find several pinned on the Discord.

can you save progress?


There's no save mechanism in this version - I like to think of it like building a sandcastle. Lots of people post screenshots of their builds in the Discord though, which is a nice way to keep and share the design.

Also, if you look on Steam you'll find Captain Forever Trilogy, and in the news pages you'll see instructions for playing the Captain Forever Universe beta. You can save progress in Captain Forever Universe.

I didn't make this, another captain in my session did.  It's really cool so I wanted to share it.  Merry Christmas!  (Thanks Capt. Alford!)

I love it!

craftlofer posted a video of this in the discord, complete with flashing tree lights, if you want to have another look at it.

Oh I didnt realize the discord was active, the link when you start the game always refuses to connect me.

That's so weird - thanks for letting me know! I wonder why it does that. Maybe because people were distributing discord-hacking malware on itch a while ago.

Anyway, if you open the Discord link works from there.

Could I get a downloadable version of this?


You can grab several Captain Forever games packaged together on Steam as Captain Forever Trilogy:

i want to know if you can save progress

please help